We are very excited to announce TeamUp (formally PushSave) as our official fundraiser once again thisseason!
If you are unfamiliar, take a peek at this 45-second video.
To JOIN the FYB fundraiser click here: https://shop.teamupevent.com/fyb/joinTo JOIN the FAF fundraiser click here: https://shop.teamupevent.com/faf/joinAre you looking to lower your registration fee? By using TeamUp, your friends and family have severaloptions they can support you… They can purchase PushSave, a local digital coupon book filled with greatlocal offers or they can purchase Entertainment a national digital coupon book with offers available allacross the country. If they are not interested in a digital coupon book they can simply make a donation.TeamUp Fundraising Options:1. Coupon BooksPushSave: For every local ($35) coupon book sold, $14 will be knocked off registration feesfor that player.Entertainment: For a national coupon book ($50), each player gets $20.2. DonationFor every donation made through PushSave, the registration fee will be reduced by 75% ofthe amount received.How much of your individual registration cost can you earn back?Each player can sell as many digital coupon books until that individual player's registration fee is met. Ifyour player sells any coupon books or receives a donation(s) more than his/her registration fee, theremaining proceeds will go back toward the ATTIC for upkeep and maintenance. The credit(s) will be mailed to the mailing address listed during registration. There will be three dateswhen checks are distributed which are displayed below.May 1July 1August 15As we get closer to the 2025 season, we will be pushing out more info to the families that selected thefundraising option in the FYB player registration. As a reminder, this is completely optional and is notrequired. Please direct all TeamUp Fundraising questions to:Stacey StibbeTeamUp RepresentativeEmail - [email protected]
1892 17th Ave S. Fargo, North Dakota 58103
Phone:701-232-9225 Email: [email protected]