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While there may be multiple factors, one of them is due to too many instances of unacceptable behavior of coaches/fans at baseball games.  While the majority of our coaches/fans act in a respectful manner, we are getting complaints that some do not.  Due to this, we are asking for your help in retaining our umpires and showing our young players the correct way to treat umpires.

We ask that ALL coaches who participate in any FYB baseball event; 

  1. For ages 12 and under during scrimmages/league games (includes travel teams): Coaches/players may not question calls made by an official.  This is in regards to all aspects of the playing and administration of the game.  Umpire decisions will be final and not argued or debated.  This includes going for help on a call or asking where a ball or strike missed.  An umpire may ask for help on their own, but coaches may not ask them to do so.  Any communication with an umpire regarding a call will be considered an official warning.  A second act will result in an ejection.    
  2. At 13 and older and during tournaments (all ages): The coaches may interact with the umpire in regards to a rules question.  However, it must be done in a respectful manner and the umpire’s decision is final. This does not include asking about pitch locations or umpire discretionary calls.  If the coach believes the umpire erred in his administration of the rules he should file a review with the FYB office or speak with the tournament director after the game.  The Umpire’s decisions will be the final call.  

Once the umpire has given his rule interpretation the decision is final.  Any further discussion by the coach in regards to this matter will result in an official warning or ejection.

The umpires will be instructed to warn first if possible, but if the coach is deemed to be out of line an immediate ejection can occur.  Throwing a bat or helmet or yelling at an umpire in disgust are examples (but not limited to) of what could cause an immediate objection.  

If an umpire or coach reports any violation of the Code of Conduct, the Fargo Youth Baseball Disciplinary committee will review the relevant facts and determine whether any further action (including sanctions) is appropriate.


First Offense

Second Offense (Same Game)

Taunting, ridiculing, or arguing with an umpire, coach, player, fan, or Babe Ruth Official

*A Warning; or


*Ejection from game or program, depending on severity of conduct



Ejection from Game


Using abusive or vulgar language or not following “24 Hour Rule”

*A Warning; or


*Ejection from game or program, depending on severity of conduct



Ejection from Game

Throwing equipment or any other object as well as the misuse or abuse of any equipment or facilities

*A Warning; or


*Ejection from game or program, depending on severity of conduct



Ejection from Game

Engaging in disruptive or inappropriate behavior

*A Warning; or


*Ejection from game or program, depending on severity of conduct



Ejection from Game

Conduct that endangers others

*Ejection from game or program, depending on severity of conduct


Repeated violations of any of the above by a coach, parent, player, or spectator


Removal from the Program


The Definition of ejection shall be:

¨     For a player: Removal from the game field and bench area

¨     For a coach: Removal from the game field, bench area, and spectating area. They must wait in the parking lot for their team to finish.  EJECTION COUNTS FOR THAT DAY PLUS ONE ADDITIONAL GAME DAY.

¨     For a spectator or parent: Removal from the game field, bench area, and spectator area. They may wait in the parking lot for their team to finish.

¨     “Spectating Area” shall be defined as any area from where the game may be seen other than the parking lot.

¨     At no time shall the ejected player, coach, spectator, or parent: approach, taunt, question, or ridicule an umpire, official, player, or other spectator after a game is completed. The ejected party has until the next day at 12pm (noon) to file a complaint/appeal with the Fargo Youth Baseball office.

¨     “The 24 Hour Rule” Shall be defined as a 24 hour time lapse from the conclusion of the game, incident, or occurrence, until one may contact the coach or assistant coach. This allows all parties to collect their thoughts to calmly addressing the situation at hand.

Parents/Fans Conduct: Parents/Fans are expected to cheer for their teams in a positive matter and in no way should they ever communicate with an umpire.  They could also be subject to ejection or an official warning without advance notice.  We ask that Coaches help us and treat it as their responsibility to do whatever is necessary to keep your parents AND fans under control.  It is highly recommended that you coordinate a pre-season meeting with your parents to insist that they do not communicate with umpires.

Fargo Youth Baseball reserves the right to change, modify, or amend this Code of Conduct and sanctioning penalties as the situation may warrant

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