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Frequently Ask Questions

Greetings from Fargo Area Sports!  We understand that there are likely MANY questions regarding the organization.  

We have created the following page to answer some of the most commonly asked questions up to this point. We understand that not all questions may be answered or addressed here.  For any additional information or if you still have questions, please feel free to contact us by phone or email.

We will continue to update this page as more questions come in.


Who is Fargo Area Sports?
Fargo Youth Baseball was Established in the fall of 2017. Fargo Area Sports is a youth baseball and fastpitch organization for ages 5-18.  The organization was created by the merging of Fargo Babe Ruth and Fargo Little League with support from the Fargo Park District.  This merger allows us to provide the best experience for all youth ball players in the Fargo area.  Fargo Area Sports staff and its board of directors operates under the premise of "A Kid's First Organization".

When does registration begin?
Registration will open on November 15th each year.  We will send out email reminders, post on the web page (, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and will advertise in AdVenture Pack reminding everyone of registration. Once registration is open, simply click the link on the front page of the website and follow the instructions.  Please contact the office with any issues or questions.

When does registration end?
Although registration never technically ends, we do ask that everyone registers PRIOR TO March 1st. Anyone registering AFTER this date will be assessed a $25 administrative late fee and put on a waiting list if rosters are full. Again, we will accept registrations after March 1st as we never want to turn someone away, but just be aware that there is a late fee associated and we cannot guarantee a roster spot for any late sign ups.

**NOTE - if you are wanting to try out for a travel team, registration MUST be in no later than January 31stNo refunds will be given once tryouts have begun.

How much does it cost to register?
5 and 6 year olds pay $125 per player
7 and 8 year olds pay $225 per player
9 year olds pay $335 per player
10-12 year olds pay $355 per player
13-15 year olds pay $375 per player

**Players that make a travel team will incur an additional fee. The additional fee will be based on the number of games and tournaments the specific travel team schedules (determined by the head coach of each team). 
**There will be a $10 discount for anyone who registers by December 31st. 

What is Fargo Area Sports refund policy?

Refunds will be granted based on the following division and dates:         
       o League – prior to the close of registration (mid-March)
       o Travel – prior to the first tryout date. No refunds once tryouts have begun.
       o Any requests after these dates will not be granted, except for a player having unexpected medical reason(s).
COVID-19 refund policy: at this time, we are planning on a having a season. Therefore, the current refund policy above remains in effect. If we are NOT able to have a season, we will amend this policy and update at that time.

Is there any way to lower the cost of Registration Fees?

Fargo Youth Baseball will offer a fundraising program to help offset any registration fees. During the registration process, you will be asked if you would like to fundraise. If you select yes, an email will be sent with your fundraising options and incentives.

Am I required to fundraise?

No.  Fargo Area Sports does NOT require any player to participate in fundraising.  

Is there an option for Travel Baseball?

Fargo Youth Baseball does offer a travel program for ages 9 thru 15.  A player must try out to participate on a travel team.  A selection committee (along with the head coach) will evaluate all players to determine who makes the travel roster. An additional fee will be incurred for those players who are selected for one of the Travel teams because of the number of games (umpires, tourneys, etc) and the experience each player will have. 

If your player does not make the travel roster they will be placed on a league team. League teams are encouraged to play outside league games and have the travel experience if they choose to do so.  League teams will have a competitive schedule. 

Teams that are formed in the 13 - 15 year old age group are allowed to submit in writing to the Board of Directors if they choose to participate in the Babe Ruth State Tournament. Each team is considered on a case by case scenario. 

How is the Little League All-Star team selected?

When it comes to All-Star teams, Fargo Youth baseball will have a Little League All-Star team for ages 12U, 13U, 14U, & 15U. It is the intent of Fargo Youth Baseball to field a team that will best represent our organization in competition and character. All of the baseball players need to have an opportunity to make the team regardless of popularity, school affiliations, or parental influence. For those that are not selected for the team, the details regarding their candidacy shall be held in the strictest of confidence and remain private. 

All selection decisions regarding All-Star teams will be made with these Board and District approved ideals in mind. Several characteristics permeate the selection process for players and managers for the All-Star teams. 

  • Skill-level and ability to compete
  • Attitude, hustle, team spirit, team leadership, and
  • Overall character, integrity, and sportsmanship

* AGE 12 ONLY: Max of 4 players from each team can be selected for the 12 Year Old All-Star Team (this is a Little League International mandate).

Are we using the Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken age chart or the Little League age chart? 

For league play we are accepting both Cal Ripken & Little League age charts. The player may choose which age group they want to compete at and can use either age chart. However, if a player chooses to be in the all-star selection process for Little League, the player must sign up under the age listed on the Little League Age Chart. If a player would like to sign up for travel baseball, the player must sign up under the Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Age Chart.

Do you take Credit/Debit Cards?
Yes, both online for registration and through the office.  Please be aware that there may be an additional processing fee incurred by the payer. We can also take payments with a card over the phone, but again, there may be a processing fee to do so.

How can I register?
We HIGHLY recommend registering online, however the option is there to register in person. Contact the office to register in person or stop by.

What if my son/daughter doesn’t want to play after signing up?

Full refunds will be granted based on the Division and these dates:

  • Travel - prior to the first tryout date (late February)
  • League - prior to the creation of teams (mid March)

Other requests made after these dates will not be granted, except for a player having unexpected medical reason(s).

Will my son/daughter be guaranteed a spot on a team?

Any player registered before March 1st will be guaranteed a spot on a team. Any player registered after the deadline will go on a waiting list and be placed on a team that needs additional players.

How are teams determined?

Fargo Youth Baseball allows teams to stay together year after year. Any player can request a desired coach and may also request to play with a certain player(s). Please keep in mind that we cannot guarantee a player will be placed on the same team as their desired coach or a certain player(s), but we will do our best to accommodate your request. 

For those who do not have specific requests or those whose requests are not able to be met, the player will be placed on a team based off what school they attend and their geographical location (assuming the player was registered prior to the deadline). 

What if I don't live in Fargo or go to school in Fargo?

If the player either resides in Fargo or goes to school in Fargo (one of the two or both), that fulfills the boundary requirement to participate in Fargo Youth Baseball. If a player does not reside in Fargo or does not go to school in Fargo, said player may play in Fargo. However, we HIGHLY recommend that player sign up and play in the city he/she lives in and goes to school in. If the player who does not meet either requirement does decide to play in Fargo, they would NOT be eligible for any Travel or All-Star teams in Fargo. 

When does the season begin and end?

The baseball season will begin in May and end in late July. The season start date also depends on the age.

How many games do teams play?

Fargo Youth Baseball league teams will play approximately 18 - 20 game (weather pending) interlocking league schedule with Fargo and area teams.  Fargo Youth Baseball encourages teams to play outside league games and tournaments.

Travel teams play between 30-50 games consisting of 6 to 10 travel league games and as many additional games against other opponents (including tournaments) as determined by the coaches.

What day(s) will teams play?

Teams will play a single game twice a week (exception, 13 year olds will play one doubleheader a week). All games are played Monday-Thursday starting at 5:30 or 7:00 for 12 & Under and 5:30 or 7:30 for 13-15 year olds. Game days will be consistent and announced after the registration deadline of March 1.  Fargo Youth Baseball does encourage teams to play additional games/tournaments. It will be upon the coach and the parents to schedule those games/tournaments. 

Travel teams will play league double headers on either Tuesday or Thursday at 5:30.  Coaches are responsible for scheduling all other games and tournaments outside of their league games.

Is there any chance to reconsider game nights and play double headers?

Fargo Youth Baseball Board of Directors voted in favor of single games twice a week over double headers once a week. Fargo Youth Baseball bases decisions off of kids first. There are many reasons why this decision was made. When there is a rain-out there is a long gap between the player’s next games. When learning/playing the game of baseball, players need repetition to enhance their skills for player development. Double headers tend to be a long day and players may tend to lose their attention span if they are at the field for a long time. When a player loses their attention span it creates bad habits and increases the chance of injury. 

What day(s) will teams practice?

Practice days and times will be determined by the coaches. Fargo Youth Baseball requires at a minimum 1 practice per week (exception 5&6 year olds) and encourages coaches to speak with the players' parents to determine which day and time works best for their team. Please keep in mind that practice fields are based on a first come, first serve basis. No team or individual will have exclusive rights to a field. Please understand that this is a Fargo Park District policy that we must follow. We are in continual discussions with the Park District in regards to working together to figure out a better solution for practice fields.

How do we know if a game is rained out or cancelled?

All cancellations will be posted on the Fargo Youth Baseball website, Facebook, Twitter and via text (the text option will only work for you if you have enabled texts to be received on your website profile). Announcements are made by 4 PM. After 4 PM, decisions will be made by the umpires on site.  PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE OFFICE REGARDING RAINOUTS. If no announcement has been made, then assume games are still on.

What are the Bat Rules?

As of January 1, 2018 the new USA Baseball Bat Standard will be implemented. ALL bats MUST have the USA Baseball logo on them to be legal. If it has that logo on it, it is legal; if not, it is illegal.  BBCor bats are legal for 13-15 year olds. For more information on the USABat standard and a complete list of bats approved through the USABat Standard, visit

What equipment do I need to provide for my player?

Team equipment bags are handed out to each team along with a bucket of practice balls and game balls. Inside the equipment bag there are 5 team batting helmets, catchers equipment, and a first aid kit. Players will need to provide their own glove, bats, cleats, and white baseball pants. 

What are the playing rules for each age group?

Playing rules differ for each age group. Rules can be found on our Rules Page on the website. 

  • 5-6 year olds play on 60 foot base paths with coach pitch.  If contact is not made after 3 swings, a hitting tee will be used.  No leading off and no stealing.
  • 7-8 year olds play on 60 foot base paths with coach pitch. No leading off and no stealing. 8U American League will switch to player pitch midway through the season, one day a week. For more information on the rule book click here: League Rules
  • 9-10 year olds play on 60 foot base paths and a mound of 46 feet.  Players pitch.  No leading off.  Players may steal after the ball crosses the plate.
  • 11-12 year olds have 2 options
    • --The regular league plays on 60 foot base paths and a mound of 46 feet for 11 year olds and 70 foot base paths and 50 foot mounds for 12 year olds.  Players pitch.  No leading off.  Players may steal after the ball crosses the plate.
    • --Travel league plays on 70 foot base paths and a mound of 50 feet.  Players pitch.  Regular baseball with balks, leading off and stealing whenever is allowed.
  • 13 year olds play on 80 foot base paths and a mound of 54 feet. Players pitch. Regular baseball with balks (in the second half of the season), leading off and stealing whenever is allowed.
  • 14-15 year olds play on 90 foot base paths and a mound of 60 feet 6 inches.  Players pitch.  Regular baseball with balks, leading off and stealing whenever is allowed.

What if I have a issue or concern about a coach, player, parent and/or official? 

All issues and concerns are always considered serious and should be reported to the Fargo Youth Baseball office. Please abide by the 24 hour rule. NEVER approach a coach/player/parent/league official or umpire during or shortly after the incident. Please contact the office via email ([email protected]) and/or phone.  If the concern is over playing time, we ask that you first reach out to the coach. If after speaking with the coach the concern is still there, then contact the FYB office. Again, we ask that everyone wait 24 hours prior to contacting the FYB office.

What if I lost my baseball hat?

You can purchase an additional hat at the Fargo Youth Baseball office at the cost of $20.00.

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